It is currently 13 minutes til November and I am still awake. Why? Because of all the things I expected or anticipated to happen on this Halloween evening, having low blood sugar at bedtime was definitely not on the list.
So I stand in my kitchen, have a stare down with the dirty dishes, eat my protein bar and reflect on this day.
Holidays are so much more fun with kids. They are even more fun with kids and friends. And it doesn't hurt that Scott convinced our kids weeks ago that any candy in an orange wrapper was for parents (Hello, Reese's!). By the end of the evening, everyone fell asleep within three minutes.
Everyone except me and #3.
And the refrigerator.
And I can't help but smile as I see the "coloring" page Sly brought home from church yesterday. He must be in a rebellious stage because the only color on the page was his name written in orange crayon.
Despite his minimalist effort (or perhaps because of it), he insisted on hanging it up on the fridge next to his sister's Halloween worksheets.
And this morning, as I was getting him breakfast at the crack of dawn, he turned the page upside down to the frown and with that teasing twinkle in his eye said, "Wook Mommy! A picture of you!"
And we smiled any trace of any frown away.
Bennett was never a coloring fan. He brought many blank pages home. Lol. I asked Sly about his picture after church. I asked if it was a happy and sad face. He said it was a happy and grumpy face. So he knows how mom feels about mornings. Apparently you didn't take enough treats from your kids bags.