I am 35 weeks pregnant and have reverted back to the state of a toddler.
I am prone to giving strangers crusty looks and wanting to answer "no" to every question.
I am hungry all the time but have no idea what I want to eat. I also get mad when I can't just have cold cereal, candy, or ice cream for dinner.
Patience is not my thing.
Sleeping is something I crave and fight at the same time. I can't make it through the night. I tend to wake everyone up when I do wake up and then it takes me forever to fall back to sleep.
I never know what I want, but you can bet I'll whine and complain about it until you figure it out.
Walking long distances is not my favorite.
I waddle everywhere I go, and tend to lose my balance when I bend over.
I am not happy about sharing. Anything. Especially food, blankets, and physical affection.
So what does this have to do with anything? Nothing. Just wanted you to know.
That baby will be here soon! I think a nice April fools baby ;) ha ha I wish I wasn't so busy training at work while my kids are at school so I could come play. My daytime hours next Tuesday are open so get your requests in soon. Lol. Let me know what I can do to help!