Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Bend Backwards

I am 35 weeks pregnant and have reverted back to the state of a toddler.

I am prone to giving strangers crusty looks and wanting to answer "no" to every question.

I am hungry all the time but have no idea what I want to eat. I also get mad when I can't just have cold cereal, candy, or ice cream for dinner.

Patience is not my thing.

Sleeping is something I crave and fight at the same time. I can't make it through the night. I tend to wake everyone up when I do wake up and then it takes me forever to fall back to sleep.

I never know what I want, but you can bet I'll whine and complain about it until you figure it out.

Walking long distances is not my favorite.

I waddle everywhere I go, and tend to lose my balance when I bend over.

I am not happy about sharing. Anything. Especially food, blankets, and physical affection.

So what does this have to do with anything? Nothing. Just wanted you to know.

1 comment:

  1. That baby will be here soon! I think a nice April fools baby ;) ha ha I wish I wasn't so busy training at work while my kids are at school so I could come play. My daytime hours next Tuesday are open so get your requests in soon. Lol. Let me know what I can do to help!
