Thursday, August 9, 2012


This week has gone by fast and we've been able to do some fun things. My husband has been such a great example to me this week--he's been taking time to serve so many people, and serving me by letting me have time to serve others. We were able to have the Sister Missionaries join us for dinner yesterday...what an interesting experience to be on the other side of the table (and we were done in less than an hour)! Both sisters seemed kind of shy and the conversation was somewhat awkward and stinted as I tried to get to know them without asking those off-limits questions (for example: How long have you been out? Except that I sort of made that mistake inadvertantly because I asked them what areas they had served in...and when you've only served on one area--"this one"--it kind of gives away your greenie status). After a few silent moments, I found the magic conversation starter: "Tell me about some of the people you've been teaching." Both sisters lit up and the babbling commenced and I was grateful. It was fun to share some of my favorite mission experiences too--I know they liked those better than new baby stories (again, duh me).  I am grateful for the spirit they brought in to our home and for the reminder of that wonderful period of time in our lives where we were able to be full-time servants of the Lord.

I have been thinking a lot this week about God's role of being our Heavenly Father. Being a parent myself has given me so many more insights about God's love. I think that you can try to understand God's love for his children, but you can't really begin to comprehend it until you are a parent yourself.

For example, Kevin and I enjoy our time together in the mornings. Scott and I often fight over who gets to get her out of bed in the morning and receive The First Smile of the day. I usually win because he is usually gone before both of us get up. After her tummy is full, I lay her down on a blanket and eat some breakfast (because I learned the hard way that if I don't eat it doesn't create a good situation for either of us...but I'm not sure I'm ready to write about that experience yet). Kevin isn't a big talker like a lot of baby girls are. She likes to sit back and observe and occasionally will humor whomever is holding her with some squeaks and giggles and what my mom has started to call her Princess Grunt (her way of saying "hold me already!").

When she thinks she is alone, however, she will talk and talk and talk until she hears me answer her. When she can't see me, she gets nervous. She hates being alone above all things. I can be sitting on the couch or at the table a few feet away from her, listening and watching and making sure she is okay, but if she doesn't hear me she doesn't think I'm taking care of her. In reality, she is my focus at all times (hence why I quit facebook--too much of a distraction). Sure, I still shower and clean up the house and get things done, but I am always aware of where she is and what she is doing.  She doesn't know this, however, unless she hears my voice or sees my face.

How often are we like that with our Heavenly Father? He is always, always aware of us but we don't believe that unless we feel like we are receiving answers to our prayers and seeing His hand in our lives. This week has been a wonderful reminder to me that sometimes He is watching from a few feet away, ready to rescue us when Tummy Time gets too hard or we become too tired to play on our own or we are hungry and in need of nourishment.

If we listen, we can hear Him reassuring us that He is there, He is constantly aware of us, and He is always listening to us.

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