Thursday, October 11, 2012

I almost forgot.

Today is Thursday.

This week has flown by.

It wasn't supposed to.

It was supposed to be agonizingly slow.

Instead, here it is Thursday, and I have very little to show for the week. Here is what I have been up to:

1. Stressing over family pictures. I desperately want our family to look "cute." But since I haven't had an updated wardrobe since before my mission (with the exception of new maternity clothes last winter that I only got to wear for about two and a half months thanks to my premie), I'm a little concerned about what to wear. Of course, buying things for Kevin is no problem (feeling guilty about spending money, however, is a problem, for me at least). Finding something I like enough for me and then talking myself into spending money on clothes for me is torture. But, two orders to later, I think all we have left to find is an undershirt for me. And maybe a new shirt for Scotty. But he's okay wearing what he has. Because I think he looks hott in anything! Lucky he isn't as picky as I am.

2. Working on my not-a-surprise Christmas present for Scotty: his mission scrapbook. Shutterfly is the best website ever and I am addicted. This is my third book project in about three months. I have loved going through his mission pictures and pulling out the box of letters he sent me while he was on his mission and then while I finished mine. I was reminded this week of the amazing missionary I married. And, miraculously, new notes have shown up here and there reminding me that the here and now is just as beautiful as those not-so-much-love letters we wrote back when we merely wondered whether or not the other person like, like-liked us.  I think my favorite was an addition to my Tuesday To Do List: "make out with Scotty." (It's one of the few things that did get crossed off that day).

3. Being relieved. This week could have been a super-life changing week for my little sister. I don't feel like I can share more than that out of respect to her, but I am so grateful, for her sake, that things didn't turn out the way they could have. Sometimes life stinks. Sometimes Heavenly Father gives us these wake-up calls that remind us to be grateful for what we have, even when what we have may not seem all that great at the time.

4. Playing with Kevin. We've read lots of stories, dirtied lots of bibs, and sang lots of songs. Oh, and we've been sleep training. After a week of sleeping in three-hour shifts, we were amazed that she's managed to sleep more than nine hours two nights in a row! We're hoping and praying this becomes her new normal.  She turned seven months old yesterday and is mastering the art of sitting on her own this week. Thanks, baby, for the reminder that time never slows down!

5. Filling time. Scott has had to go into work early (six am) almost every day this week and has had lots of homework assignments and studying to do. So I haven't seen him very much. At least not as much as I'm used to. You'd be amazed at how much time we manage to find to be together, even though he works full time and goes to school full time. Today he played hooky from his first two classes. Said he just needed time with his girls. We had a lovely afternoon! I can't tell you how much we are looking forward to retirement--that is, if there is such a thing as retirement by the time we reach 65.

Here's to hoping!

Tune in next week for something brilliant. Promise :)

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