Thursday, November 1, 2012


I'll be honest.

I've never liked November.

Until now.

When I was younger, I thought November was such a dreary month. I couldn't for the life of me figure out why Louisa May Alcott would have her most-loved heroine Jo March born in November. Now, I think there is a certain something romantical about it. Good things in my life have happened in November, like birthdays of some of my favorite people, my first baptisms in the mission field, my first date, and the real return of basketball season (Go Aggies!).

Today, I am happy. I am excited about life, even with all of its uncertainties. Probably this comes from just getting off the phone with one of my dearest friends--I've been waiting to have that "tell him to go to this jeweler, not that one" conversation with her for a long while now. Nothing like a pending engagement/wedding to get a girl excited about life.

Also, I spent an hour and a half writing this morning. NaNoWriMo is underway! And I'm only 300 words behind already!. I also want to completely rewrite everything I spent this morning writing...but, hey, the goal for me is not exactly 50,000 words or a finished rough draft by the end of the month. It's to spend time each day writing and getting back into the habit. If I can reach 30,000 words I will be ecstatic! And no, nobody gets to read any of it until at least December (this means you Scotty!)

Here's all the preview you get:

For Kevin, my real-life fairy tale
And for her father, who listens to the things I’m not saying

I might not be the type of person who can handle a working career in addition to being a mom, but I want my daughter growing up seeing me being passionate about my interests and hobbies. I've already seen this in her as she's shown more and more interest in books lately (especially the ones I'm reading!). I want her to know that she can be anything she wants to be. I chose to be her mom first and everything else second. That doesn't mean that those "secondary" things can't be important too though!

We have so much to look forward to this month. NaNoWriMo is just the beginning. There is also our new family history class, creating our annual Thankful Chart, Stake Conference, my nephew's baby blessing, finding out if our newest addition to the Fowler family is a boy/girl (Kevin and I are really hoping for a girl cousin!), more football and basketball games, Thanksgiving Break, Kevin learning to crawl/scoot (she's getting oh so close!) and spending time with family and friends. Maybe a few life surprises along the way--you never know!

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