Thursday, March 20, 2014

Me Today

When I would write emails home as a missionary, my brother(s) would always ask for the "cliff notes" version (or, as he got further into college, "a summary").

For the first time in five and a half years I am going to honor their request. Mostly because or laptop keyboard broke and I have to do this from my phone.

Me today:
Woke up tired
Then got sick
Took a shower before noon (victory!)
Barfed twice and read ten books before breakfast
Watched Frozen fr the fourth time in two days
Tried to keep up with the toddler
Got frustrated at my lack of lunch options
Took a too-short nap
Woke up to the toddler who just wanted to play
Drove to Orbit
Got tortured (aka weekly shot) but had a nice conversation with my nurse (also a BMW missionary- I call that a tender mercy)
Ate too much dinner but didn't feel full
Almost had a meltdown at the pharmacy while paying for the newest round of drugs
Had a real meltdown in the car
Kevin said, "give her a show (phone), she'll be okay."
Felt guilty that my toddler thinks I am so attached to my phone
Was put back together by a caring husband
Who then let me spend too much on craft projects for the nursery
Drove home, checked the bracket, put the toddler to bed
Read some scriptures
Watched best upset this year
Blogged just to check it off my list
Finding it hard to be positive today...
Summarized again.
Bedtime at last.

And if that was too long for you Ben, here is the summary of the summary: woke up  tired showered barfed read and ate and let it go. Lunch, nap time, torture and Texas. Dinner, drug dealer rip off, meltdown, hurt, hobby lobby, march madness, go North Dakota St, blogged. Try again tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. I wish I was close enough to help you. I've had my share of meltdowns at the pharmacy/doctor's office. I feel for you!

    The most important sentence you wrote was "Try again tomorrow." Sometimes that's all we can do (and sometimes I can't even seem to do it), so way-to-go, super-mom! I think one of the most miraculous things moms do is to get up, shake off the dust, and try again.

    Love you, my dear.
