Friday, May 6, 2016

Motherhood Monologues 2016: That's a Wrap!

I'm sad to see it end, but tonight's post concludes this year's Misses Miscellany Motherhood Monologues Prompts (say that five times fast). I have enjoyed getting to know myself better over these past 25 days. Thank you for those that have taken the time to respond, react, and share my emotions with me. I know it isn't an easy task!

I'm not really sure why I am writing this conclusion, except that I feel that I need to. I wish that these monologues were called "Womanhood Monologues"--1, because that would make it easier to say, and 2, because I know that all women are mothers, regardless of whether or not their name is listed on a birth certificate other than their own.

Mother's Day is not my favorite holiday. I feel like there are so many other, better things to celebrate. But when I really stop and think about the blessing that having a mother, being a mother, and learning from other mothers is to me, well--the only holidays that could possibly mean more are Christmas and Easter. And really, if Christmas is a celebration of the birth of Christ, then it is also a celebration and an indication that motherhood is truly one of the highest callings--because, after all, that is how God sent his Only Begotten to this earth. And so it is not only how He sends his children to earth, but how He guides them throughout their mortal sojourn. And as for Easter--well, I don't know about you, but my celebration of Christ's resurrection is made that much more meaningful knowing that it was to a woman that He first revealed his perfect and restored body.

If these monologues have touched your life in some way--if you have gotten to know and understand me better, or felt better about yourself, or realized that you are not alone, or had cause to pause and consider your effect on others, then all this time that my husband has sacrificed so that I can clickety-clack away at the computer keyboard has been worth it.

And even if you think me more annoying than ever, well, that's okay too. Because the past twenty-five days have taught me that I have more value than I think I am worth, more intelligence than I give God credit for, and more purpose than changing dirty diapers and making sure the laundry gets done. You do too.

Thanks for reading!


PS- I'm starting a new "growth challenge" next week. I can't wait to tell you all about my aunt's genius and the things I want to learn this summer. Be on the lookout for my 111 Days to Zion series (and I promise I won't flood your email inbox daily for the next 111 days...unless, of course, you want me to).

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