Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Happy Birthday to Me!

I'm about to head off for a birthday dinner, but it just wouldn't be my birthday if I didn't take just a minute to blog...because I dearly love to blog.

For those of you following the "Molly Saga"--put your minds at ease! SHE IS HERE! My husband--he is awesome! But I promised him I wouldn't write anything mushy or gushy about how much I love him, so that is all I can say. That and, I am glad that although he might not understand my obsession with American Girls, he is nonetheless understanding. I hope that makes sense.

I don't think I've been this excited about a birthday present since I was eight...and received the exact same present.

This is not a very flattering picture...but at least you get to see my face of extreme joy and surprise!

Kevin loves her already...and is quite miffed that I am content to leave her in the box

And now, thanks to my awesome friend Kima (who understands my Molly love), I get to go to dinner and a movie with my amazing, one-of-a-kind husband.


  1. Happy Birthday!! :) You do look quite jubilant. :D

  2. Oh Amelia is going to be so jealous! She is saving all of her pennies in a jar in the kitchen and asking to do chores all day. Because she wants to fill the jar so she can buy herself an American Girl doll!!
