Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Motherhood Monologues #9: Rhythm

First of all, I can't even spell the word rythm rhythym rythym rhythm without help from spell check.

Secondly, tempo has never exactly been my strong suite. When I was a child taking piano lessons, it took me three years to learn eighth notes because my teacher refused to move on until I learned how to count. In the end my family moved on, I got a new teacher, and eighth notes opened a whole new world of music that I played by my own rhythm.

No metronomes for me.

And so it makes sense, then, that my family doesn't live by a specific schedule. We live by a routine, which allows for more flexibility in our days. We follow a pattern instead of a clock, meaning that sometimes naptime happens at noon and sometimes it happens at two and sometimes it doesn't happen at all, and that's okay. My children know the order of our days and I've learned to follow their signals instead of the beats set forth by parenting books and blogs.

After all, I learned to play for myself, not so someone else could sing along.

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