Sunday, April 24, 2016

Motherhood Monologues #14: Stop

Tonight we had the opportunity to have some friends over for dessert and games. They are getting married in six days. We feel like we've been waiting a long time for them to tie the I'm sure it feels even longer to them! They asked us for some marriage advice and opened the floodgates. At five and a half years of marriage, we think we are experts.

Note: we aren't.

I was surprised by my husband and what he called his most important piece of advice: "Don't stop courting each other."

He looked at my jaw nearly hitting the table and apologized for being so bad at taking me on dates. Sometimes we go months between going "out" and usually that is only if we have a special occasion or I get tired enough of the children to arrange for a babysitter and ask him out.

The truth is, though, that I need to be better about letting him court me. I am notorious for ruining his surprises. I can work on that. I need to acknowledge that the little-big things he does for me, like ordering that new card game that I wanted or getting up with the kids at night or doing the dishes are all acts of love and wooing.

Unintentionally, I stopped being grateful for the little things. I need to start finding ways to serve and surprise him again so we can not just move on--we can move forward.

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