Friday, April 22, 2016

Motherhood Monologues #12: Patience

1. Regularly occurring situations I need to be more patient about:

  • Sunrise and the need to wake up each morning
  • Snot wiped all over my shirts
  • The need that children have to walk straight into swinging swings instead of walking around them (seriously, is it that hard?)
  • The fact that my family wants breakfast, lunch, and dinner (and second breakfast, snack, and second dinner) every. single. day.
  • The inability of my body to keep my blood sugar in acceptable ranges while I eat everything I want to eat
  • The fact that clothes never quite make it into a laundry basket
  • How there aren't two hours set aside each day to specifically be my reading time
  • The cost of living and everything costing more than I think it should be worth
  • The whining
  • The fact that things are never as clean or organized as I want them to be
  • That "naptime" isn't a given for adults
  • Dandelions and all other weeds taking over my yard
  • Dust taking over my house
  • Fuzzy mom brain
  • Her meltdowns
  • His refusal to just let me change his diaper without a wrestling match
  • Bugs that fly through the door
  • Donald Trump and all things politically wrong with America
  • Misunderstandings
  • Llama Llama can't make it through a book without throwing a fit
  • Brown Bear never sees anything besides a red bird
  • The Aggie basketball team being a continual mess, year after year
  • The preschooler's bedtime routine must always include four elaborate and unnecessary rituals
  • Running out of chocolate
  • The weather not cooperating
  • My son's habit of pulling on my arms or legs to get me to go where he wants me
  • The laundry is never actually completely done
Wow, that list could go on and on. Patience is not exactly one of my best virtues.

2. Situations it is time to stop being patient about and make a change
  • My daughter. I need to stop doing things that she is capable of doing for herself just to avoid a meltdown or a battle.v
  • My talents.  I need to take the time to do those things that make me me outside of being a wife and a mother. 
  • The weeds. I can attack them, and I will, even if I am the only one fighting for my side.
  • My health. I may not be able to control everything, but I can make choices that will certainly help and make me feel better.
  • My emotions. I need to stop dwelling on negativity and when it comes to my children's emotions, I need to realize that I can be in charge of how I react to their outbursts.
  • The Project List. There are a lot of things that I tell myself I am waiting for help on--I need to learn how to do some of those things (and wield power tolls) by myself.


  1. I just read through some of these monologues and think the whole concept is really intriguing! Where are you getting the questions from? Also, you're a fabulous writer 💕

    1. A blog I contribute to, Misses Miscellany, is posting them daily from now until May 5th. I decided it would be a good way to record some of my "current" feelings toward motherhood. You can see all of the prompts here:

      You should enter the contest and follow the blog! I've really loved being part of the Misses community.
