Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Motherhood Monologues #16: LOVE

10 things that make me feel loved (in no particular order):

  1. When my husband does the dishes or another job that helps me out (without me asking or reminding)
  2. When I wake up to an early-morning email from my mom
  3. When the tulips in my backyard bloom and I am reminded of a God who loves me
  4. When loved ones (or complete strangers) comment on my blog--I view reading my material as an "act of service" 
  5. When I open my arms and my little boy runs at me, full speed ahead, and gives me a slobbery, slimy, snotty kiss on my "sheek!"
  6. When my daughter shares a memory with me of something we've done together that she enjoyed
  7. When I receive book recommendations from friends (or when others take my book recommendations)
  8. When I look back on pictures, letters, and memories of my time as an LDS missionary in Texas
  9. When my siblings send me funny things on facebook or via texts
  10. When I get hugs from my dad
10 things that make my family feel loved (in no particular order):
  1. When I put down the phone and just play
  2. When dinner is ready and waiting as soon as Daddy walks in the door
  3. When I take time to sit down and cuddle
  4. When I push my children on the swings in our backyard
  5. When we sing songs and pray together
  6. When I write about them
  7. When I leave little notes for them
  8. When I give them each kisses goodnight
  9. When I give up my needs for their wants
  10. When I tell them I love them...and my daughter says, "I know Mom! I didn't forget!" and then she asks me to tell her again tomorrow

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